Monday 9 April 2012

Solutions to Stop Snoring - It's Easier Than You Think

By Gretchen Y Lumsky

There are many solutions to stop snoring and most of them don't require the use of expensive mechanical equipment. The cause of most snoring is very easily explained with the solution being equally simple to implement.

As we get older, the muscles in our throat and neck, like the muscles in the rest of our body, lose tone and function. This causes them to be come somewhat loose and relaxed. As a result, they can cause partial obstruction of the airways during sleep. These relaxed muscles create sound when sleeping when the loose tissues in the throat vibrate as air is forced past them. There are some things that you can do to get these muscles back in shape and alleviate the sound of snoring.

The first thing you'll want to do is to adjust your sleeping position. Sleeping on your back can cause these loose tissues to hang in such a way that they will block the back of your throat. By simply turning on your side, you are reopening the airway and allowing air to travel unhindered, thus eliminating the sound. You can make sure that you stay in this position throughout then night by propping a pillow behind your back. Although sleeping on your side helps to eliminate the sound of snoring, it's not actually targeting the cause of the problem. Sleeping on your side is only the first step.

Once you start getting a good night's sleep by lying on your side, you're going to need to begin working the muscles that are involved in snoring. These are the same muscles that opera singers will exercise so that their voices are in top form during a performance. Having muscles in the throat in top shape allows them to hit those high notes without faltering. One such exercise is the act of chewing gum. This works the muscles of the jaw, which work to keep the mouth closed during sleep. When the mouth slips open, the base of the tongue will move backward, blocking the opening to the throat. By having strong muscles in your jaw, you are eliminating the likelihood of your mouth falling open while you're sleeping.

Exercising the jaw muscles is just one of many workouts designed to strengthen the muscles of the throat and jaw area. You can follow a program specifically designed to target these areas and that are designed for snoring cessation. These programs will give you a daily exercise regimen to insure that you are working all of the muscles involved. Within a couple of weeks of starting, you should see an improvement in your quality of sleep as well as a decrease in the amount of snoring.

Getting quality sleep in adequate amounts is a key component of overall health. Without it you are putting your body under additional stress, which could reduce your resistance to common ailments as well as affect your emotional well being. If you've asked yourself the question "How do you stop snoring?" begin an exercise regimen that works the muscles of the throat and jaw. Keeping them in top condition will help you get a good night's rest.

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