Tuesday 6 December 2011

If You Are Looking To Lose Weight For Your Health - You Ought To Stay Away From Some Weight Loss Approaches

By Bobby Stentfeister

How would you like to to lose weight? There's a great deal of information out there and you may already have a few idea of what you need to do. Shedding off some pounds by following a diet and exercising can be difficult, so it comes as no surprise to hear that people resort to very dangerous ways of losing weight. Most usually, women are using these risky methods as they feel pressured into being thin by society. It is more usual for women to use these terrible methods as a result of society's constant pressure to be thin. Being at a healthy weight is great but, if you determine to use a dangerous weight loss method, you can actually jeopardize your health. Read on to learn more about how unsafe these methods can be.

The most usual drastic diet plan is starvation; not consuming much food at all, resulting in your energy levels decreasing. Some people opt to not eat breakfast, others skip lunch, and many opt to skip both meals. In your mind, you say to yourself that you're not starved even though your stomach is grumbling like crazy, screaming I want to be fed!. Nonetheless, after a while your body learns to adapt. The less you consume, the more your body worries that it won't have adequate food so it adjusts your metabolism, slowing it down to the extent that you are scarcely burning any fat during the day. Unfortunately, once you start to eat a regular diet again, your metabolism will continue to run slowly, and you are likely to quickly put on more fat as you won't burn calories quick enough. While it is true that you can eliminate fat when you go on starvation mode, you will lose more weight by adopting a regimen of healthy diet and exercise. Doesn't it appear desirable to eat a healthy diet and have the chance to get rid of more weight?

Starving yourself can usually cause anorexia. What happens is that you develop a fear of food and getting overweight which results in your eating very little and becoming extremely thin. Anorexia can lead to a weaker immune system, loss of hair and even death. A lot of teens try starvation diets but, when you become obsessed with starving yourself, it can eventually cause anorexia which can destroy your body and your health.

Binge-eating syndrome is another risky weight loss method. Bulimic's overeat and then barf it all up so that their belly doesn't digest the calories. These individuals aren't afraid of food as anorexic's are, rather the opposite: they will binge on large amounts of food and then feel guilty so they sick it back up. Bulimia is hard to identify because bulimic individuals normally keep the same basic body weight. Vomiting your food is not healthy for your body. It can have negative effects on your heart, liver and kidneys. You may develop stomach ulcers as a result of the constant puking. Your teeth and esophagus may also be damaged by the stomach acid. Your pharynx may as well develop acid burns. Sustained puking of your food can cause extreme harm to your body.

The safest approach is to eat modest amounts of healthy foods. This means smaller servings and cutting back on bad foods. It is possible to actually lose weight without trying such risky methods.

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