Friday 23 December 2011

Could Following The Ulcer Diet Help You

By Ben Smith

There is little evidence to suggest that Ulcerative colitis is caused by a poor diet. However, it is a well known fact that following certain dietary rules can help you keep control of symptoms that may occur from the condition. If you suffer from this disease you may benefit from following the ulcer diet.

There are several types of bowel diseases with the best known being Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Ulcerative colitis is an Inflammatory Bowel Disease which is very different. Some believe that there is a genetic element to the condition while others believe it is caused by bacteria. Different patients suffer at different levels but it is very painful for some.

The symptoms that present with the condition vary from person to person. The most common symptom is diarrhoea which will often contain blood or mucus. This could last for weeks at a time causing the sufferer to loose weight. The diarrhoea may also be accompanied by stomach pains. It is also possible to develop a fever. Symptoms can be intermittent or they might be longer lasting.

The treatments used vary depending on the patient and the severity of their condition. Medications can be taken to suppress the immune system and wearing nicotine patches has also shown to improve the symptoms. For long term treatment the large intestine can be removed to completely cure the problem however this is not usually recommended for patients unless their problem is severe.

If you only suffer mild or moderate symptoms you may wish to try changing your diet to see if it helps. Insoluble fibre like wheat products and certain vegetables should be avoided but you should include soluble fibre like oat bran, white rice and the main part of certain fruits and vegetables. Fish oils are also beneficial particularly from actual fish like mackerel rather than supplements. You should also restrict the amount of dairy products you consume.

If you suffer from Ulcerative colitis you might like to try following the ulcer diet. It has been known to provide some relief from the uncomfortable symptoms of the disease. Check with your doctor first to make sure that it is safe and appropriate for you to follow.

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