Friday 23 March 2012

Understand Symptoms of Heartburn

By Fernando Carone

The warning signs of acid reflux undoubtedly are a painful "burning" sensation from the upper chest and/or regurgitation of acid in the mouth. Some patients can even develop nausea even though this is less common. Although categorised as "heartburn", the pain really should not be mistaken to the associated with a true cardiac event or heart attack which would be coupled with tightness of and pounding inside the chest, weakness and feeling faint.

What are Treatments for Acid reflux disease?

Fortunately there are several treatments designed for acid reflux.

Antacids will be the first option for call for many acid reflux disease sufferers. For brief term and infrequent attacks of acid reflux disorder, these provide all-important temporary relief. However, like a long term solution they're not suitable and alternatives really should be sought.

Any sufferer of normal acid reflux need to keep a diary of the things they consume. Over time, patterns can be discovered and many people report elimination or decrease in acid reflux symptoms after changing their diet plan accordingly to get rid of problematic food or drink.

If dietary changes have minimal effect, there are numerous families of drugs that exist over the counter as well as on prescription.

PPIs in many cases are prescribed and successful drugs. These work by inhibiting output of the gastric acid that causes acid reflux disease. They have relatively limited unwanted side effects. H2 blockers are a different class of drugs who have the same effect but work with a different way. To the vast majority of extended acid reflux sufferers, PPIs and H2 blockers certainly are a successful drug therapy. A number of people, however, don't respond to treatment with PPIs and H2 blockers as well as their only option are definitely more radical drugs referred to as promotility agents. Unfortunately, these may have severely side effects and they are therefore rarely prescribed.

Lastly, in case you fail to reply to drug treatment, or perhaps want a substitute for the daily inconvenience of taking drugs, surgical procedures are an option. New techniques are constantly being developed, most of which include procedures for instance Enteryx Procedure, Stretta Procedure, Nissen Fundoplication and Endocinch. A medical expert will be able to supply you with more guidance on these surgery options.

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